Confidential ~ Non-judgmental ~ Respectful ~ Objective

845 . 901 . 2445

Call me. I can help.
Contented CLIENTS

I am somewhat mentally challenged due to PTSD from being a first responder on 9/11 NYC! My PTSD frustrated me and kept me from doing all my paperwork, and I became very disorganized!
On top of that, I was the sole caretaker of my 97-year-old father, (94 at the time I met Johanna). Our taxes hadn't been done in three years.
Our mortgage was in chaos, along with every other aspect of our lives. Papers were scattered all over the house in assorted piles.
I Googled 'organizer" and came upon Johanna Bard. It was the best thing that ever happened to me! Within one week, all our taxes were completed and handed in; the mortgage was fixed shortly after that and removed from foreclosure! Johanna is very skilled at paperwork and budgeting and has the ability to adapt to most people and situations, and to find a calm peaceful solution! With Johanna's help, the quality of my life has improved dramatically. I feel like an angel has come to my rescue!
Finding someone with the honesty, Integrity, and commitment to following through has inspired me to be more positive and given me new goals to achieve! I highly recommend Johanna for any and all endeavors you may need.
Peter M Shanley Retired DSNY Officer
WTC Emergency Response Div. Olivebridge, NY
I moved east thinking it might be my retirement location. I brought all my papers, most of which I thought to be important, intending to sort and purge.
As all my papers were in such disarray, my daughter said I HAD to call a local organizer - Johanna was it! And, as it turned out, I was moving back west, and I didn't want to drag anything unimportant back with me. So we identified, sorted, purged with much laughter. New York/LA
Johanna provided me with confidential, professional, and non-judgmental services. These are very important in my business. She has also given me new tools to use my time efficiently.
Jay West, Aries Graphics
Kamuela, Hawaii
It takes me two months to organize what Johanna and I do in two hours.
Devin Richards
South Carolina
In our business when orders take off and we are suddenly over-whelmed, we call Johanna. Her calm, clear and gentle manner coupled with her extraordinary organizational abilities always save the day.
Jeanne Fleming
Barrytown, New York